Elis Pest Control

Our solution in video

Why choose Elis?

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    Numerous risks kept in check

    In addition to the pathogens they carry that can contaminate your inventory, pests may attack electrical cables, damage your insulation, trigger fires and ultimately incur significant financial losses. Our Pest Control service is entirely dedicated to the prevention of these threats.

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    A solution for every need

    Regardless of the type of pest that you wish to prevent or eliminate, here at Elis we have a dedicated solution: control for crawling insects (cockroaches, ants, fleas, bed bugs, etc.) and for flying insects (flies, gnats, mosquitoes, wasps, etc.), control for rodents (mice, field mice and brown rats) and disinfection of premises (to eliminate viruses, moulds and bacteria).

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    Un service soucieux de son impact environnemental

    L’impact environnemental est au cœur de nos préoccupations ; nous basons nos interventions sur la méthode de lutte intégrée est basée sur l'adoption de techniques et de solutions innovantes plus respectueuses de l’environnement. 

    Cela implique un diagnostic systématique de votre établissement qui permet :

    • d’adapter nos prestations à votre secteur d’activité
    • d’opter pour des solutions non-toxiques en fonction du nuisible ciblé 
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    Regular, comprehensive monitoring

    Regardless of the type of service selected, we guarantee regular monitoring at agreed intervals, based on your business and the preliminary assessment conducted. Our teams of certified experts use professional products and equipment when applying our operating procedures. We also provide you with all the necessary regulatory documents. This approach ensures maximum protection, consistent with legislation.

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    A dedicated network

    The presence of pests should not be taken lightly, given that your company’s image and the quality of your products and services depend on it. To support you in this, we have developed a network of more than 150 experts at your service, able to step in throughout France. These sites specialise in treating severe infestations requiring a specific level of technical skill.

The Elis Pest Control service, it is:

  • Audit of your premises

  • Targeted implementation on site

  • Regular monitoring and follow-up

  • Traceability of all our investigations

  • Technical advice and recommendations

  • Investigation report sent systematically by email

  • Curative intervention in case of infestation

Elis ensures systematic traceability of intervention
