Good reasons to invest

  • Relation investisseur


    Une stratégie solide pour délivrer de la croissance

    Etre actionnaire Elis c’est investir pour aider à :

    • Renforcer nos positions en combinant croissance organique et acquisitions
    • Etendre nos plateformes et densifier notre réseau
    • Proposer de nouveaux produits et services à un coût marginal limité
    • Continuer à améliorer notre performance opérationnelle
  • Multi


    Un modèle multi-services unique

    Illustré par le rôle crucial de l’agent de service Elis, ce modèle s’attache à la satisfaction client et à la création de valeur pour celui-ci.

    Vendre des produits additionnels pour compléter notre service et optimiser notre réseau

  • RI


    Un savoir-faire industriel historique et moderne

    The origins of the Group date back to 1883 when the Leducq family founded the Grandes Blanchisseries de Pantin. Since then, for over one century, the Group, now called Elis (Europe Linge Service), grew in Europe and in Latin America and reinvented itself, diversifying its offer in an innovative and responsible approach.

  • Deux commerciaux se serrent la main


    Des engagements forts, riches en valeurs

    Etre actionnaire Elis c’est partager des valeurs communes pour :

    • Participer au développement d’un modèle économique plus durable
    • Proposer une offre responsable de qualité
    • Diminuer l’empreinte environnementale de notre activité
    • Etre un vecteur d’épanouissement pour nos collaborateurs
    • Créer de la valeur pour nos actionnaires et partager la réussite du modèle Elis

Shareholder Guide

  • Holding Elis shares

    • Elis shares may be held: In bearer form, with your financial intermediary,
    • In administered registered form, with your financial intermediary and recorded in the Elis share register,
    • In directly registered form, with BNP Paribas Securities Services (BP2S) BP2S:

    BNP Paribas Securities Services

    Actionnariat Elis

    Corporate Trust Services

    Immeuble Europe

    9, rue du Débarcadère

    93761 Pantin Cedex – France

    + 33 (0)1 40 14 00 90

    For any requests for information or written requests, registered shareholders should use the Planetshares contact form available via the Planetshares website. Elis has appointed BNP Paribas Securities Services (BP2S)


    BNP Paribas Securities Services

    Actionnariat Elis

    Corporate Trust Services

    Immeuble Europe

    9, rue du Débarcadère

    93761 Pantin Cedex – France

    + 33 (0)1 40 14 00 90

    For any requests for information or written requests, registered shareholders should use the Planetshares contact form available via the Planetshares website for the management of directly registered shares. (AMF, the French Financial Markets Authority is responsible for ensuring the protection of savings invested in financial instruments, investor information and the smooth running of financial instrument markets):

    AMF: Understanding financial products

    AMF: Investing wisely

    Advantages of both directly registered and administered registered shares

    Information on the advantages of registered shares and management of your shares:

    • The invitation to general shareholders’ meetings is sent automatically by post or by email if you have chosen to receive such e-notices
    • You are entitled to double voting rights at the general shareholders’ meeting for all directly registered shares held for at least two years


    How to register your shares in registered form

    • Transfer from bearer or administered registered shares to directly registered shares:


    If you hold bearer shares or administered registered shares Ask your financial intermediary to transfer your shares to BP2S


    BNP Paribas Securities Services

    Actionnariat Elis

    Corporate Trust Services

    Immeuble Europe

    9, rue du Débarcadère

    93761 Pantin Cedex – France

    + 33 (0)1 40 14 00 90

    For any requests for information or written requests, registered shareholders should use the Planetshares contact form available via the Planetshares website

    using the form

    • Transfer from bearer shares to administered registered shares:

      If you hold bearer shares  Ask your financial intermediary to make the transfer using the form
    • Transfer from administered registered to directly registered shares:


    Ask BP2S


    BNP Paribas Securities Services

    Actionnariat Elis

    Corporate Trust Services

    Immeuble Europe

    9, rue du Débarcadère

    93761 Pantin Cedex – France

    + 33 (0)1 40 14 00 90

    For any requests for information or written requests, registered shareholders should use the Planetshares contact form available via the Planetshares website to make the transfer using the form

    Contact BNP Paribas Securities Services:

    BNP Paribas Securities Services

    Actionnariat Elis

    Corporate Trust Services – Services aux émetteurs

    Immeuble Europe

    9, rue du Débarcadère

    93761 Pantin Cedex – France

    + 33 (0)1 40 14 00 90

  • Acheter et vendre des actions Elis

    Comment passer un ordre ?

    Avant d'acheter des titres Elis, il vous faudra décider si vous souhaitez inscrire vos titres au porteur, au nominatif administré ou au nominatif pur.

    Pour acheter ou vendre des actions, vous devez passer un ordre :

    • Pour les actionnaires au nominatif pur : adressez vous auprès de BP2S


    BP2S :

    BNP Paribas Securities Services

    Actionnariat Elis

    Corporate Trust Services

    Immeuble Europe

    9, rue du débarcadère

    93761 Pantin Cedex-France

    + 33 1 40 14 00 90

    Pour toute demande d’information et requête écrite, l’actionnaire au nominatif est invité à utiliser le formulaire de contact planetshares disponible sur le site planetshares:

    au moyen du formulaire d’ordre de bourse à télécharger.

    • Pour les actionnaires au porteur ou au nominatif administré : adressez vous auprès de votre intermédiaire teneur de compte (le plus souvent votre banque).

    A noter : Toutes les transactions sont soumises à la taxe sur les transactions financières au taux de 0,3%. A Cela s’ajoute les frais de courtage facturés par l’intermédiaire financier.

    Premier achat - à qui s’adresser ?

    • A votre intermédiaire financier, si vous souhaitez inscrire vos actions au porteur ou au nominatif administré. Vous devrez ouvrir un compte-titres pour passer des ordres en Bourse.
    • A BNP Paribas Securities Services ( BP2S


    BP2S :

    BNP Paribas Securities Services

    Actionnariat Elis

    Corporate Trust Services

    Immeuble Europe

    9, rue du débarcadère

    93761 Pantin Cedex-France

    + 33 1 40 14 00 90

    Pour toute demande d’information et requête écrite, l’actionnaire au nominatif est invité à utiliser le formulaire de contact planetshares disponible sur le site planetshares:

    si vous souhaitez ouvrir un compte-titres au nominatif pur.

    • Téléchargez la convention d’ouverture de compte et envoyez-la à BP2S

      BP2S :

      BNP Paribas Securities Services

      Actionnariat Elis

      Corporate Trust Services

      Immeuble Europe

      9, rue du débarcadère

      93761 Pantin Cedex-France

      + 33 1 40 14 00 90

      Pour toute demande d’information et requête écrite, l’actionnaire au nominatif est invité à utiliser le formulaire de contact planetshares disponible sur le site planetshares:

      Après l’ouverture d’un compte au nominatif pur, BP2S

      BP2S :

      BNP Paribas Securities Services

      Actionnariat Elis

      Corporate Trust Services

      Immeuble Europe

      9, rue du débarcadère

      93761 Pantin Cedex-France

      + 33 1 40 14 00 90

      Pour toute demande d’information et requête écrite, l’actionnaire au nominatif est invité à utiliser le formulaire de contact planetshares disponible sur le site planetshares:

      vous attribuera un code confidentiel qui vous permettra d’effectuer vos transactions par courrier, fax, téléphone ou Internet.


    Les différents types d’ordre :

    • Ordre à cours limité : C’est le plus utilisé, dans la mesure où il permet de maîtriser le coût de l’exécution. L’ordre ne peut être exécuté au-dessus d’un cours donné pour un ordre d’achat ou au-dessous d’un cours donné pour un ordre de vente.
    • Ordre à la meilleure limite : Cet ordre n’a pas de limite de prix spécifique, il permet d’obtenir le meilleur prix d’achat ou de vente dès l’arrivée de l’ordre sur le marché, en fonction des ordres à cours limité de sens opposé existant dans le carnet d’ordres central du marché.
    • Ordre « au marché » :  Il permet d’acheter ou de vendre sans conditions de prix. L’ordre sera exécuté intégralement et prioritairement dès la première cotation suivant son enregistrement dans le système de négociation.
    • Ordre à seuil de déclenchement :  Dans ce cas, l’opérateur intervient à partir d’un cours déterminé, c’est-à-dire que l’ordre comporte une limite à partir de laquelle il se transforme en ordre « au marché ».

    Retrouvez tous les conseils pour bien investir sur le site de l'AMF (Autorité des Marchés Financiers) :

General shareholders’ meetings


To participate in the general shareholders’ meeting, you must be an Elis shareholder prior to the date of the meeting. As a rule, the date of the general shareholders’ meeting is published several months in advance on the website. A notice of meeting is published in the French official bulletin of legal notices (“BALO”) 35 days prior to the meeting. Specifically, this notice contains the agenda, the draft resolutions and the procedures for taking part in the general shareholders’ meeting. Fifteen days prior to the meeting, registered shareholders will automatically receive, either by post or electronically, an invitation to attend. The invitation will include the agenda, the draft resolutions, the procedures for taking part in the general shareholders’ meeting and a voting form. To receive the invitation electronically, you must download and complete the e-attendance request form.

If you are a bearer shareholder, documents relating to the general shareholders’ meeting are not sent automatically. Instead, you need to ask for them to be sent via your financial intermediary, who will issue a share registration certificate allowing you to participate and vote at the general shareholders’ meeting. Without this certificate, the vote will not be counted, and the bearer shareholder will be unable to obtain an admission card for participating in the general shareholders’ meeting.


Four options are available:

  • Attend the general shareholders’ meeting in person

    You must request an admission card in one of the following two ways:

    • If you are a REGISTERED shareholder: from BP2S:


    BNP Paribas Securities Services

    Actionnariat Elis

    Corporate Trust Services

    Immeuble Europe

    9, rue du débarcadère

    93761 Pantin Cedex-France

    + 33 1 40 14 00 90

    For any requests for information or written requests, registered shareholders should use the Planetshares contact form available via the Planetshares website

    • If you are a BEARER shareholder: via your financial intermediary, who will send BP2S:


    BNP Paribas Securities Services

    Actionnariat Elis

    Corporate Trust Services

    Immeuble Europe

    9, rue du Débarcadère

    93761 Pantin Cedex – France

    + 33 (0)1 40 14 00 90

    For any requests for information or written requests, registered shareholders should use the Planetshares contact form available via the Planetshares website, your request for an admission card. For bearer shareholders, you must send a share registration certificate with your request. Apply online for an admission card:

    Applications for an admission card may be made online from the VOTACCESS secure platform which can be accessed via the Planetshares website. Shareholders may download their admission card. This “e-admission card” can be printed out until the day of the general shareholders’ meeting and must be presented during the registration process. DIRECTLY REGISTERED shareholders must log in to the Planetshares website with their usual access codes.

    ADMINISTERED REGISTERED shareholders must log in to the Planetshares website using their ID number, which is located in the top right-hand corner of their paper voting form. In the event that a shareholder no longer has their username and/or password, they may call the following number: +33 (0)1 40 14 00 90. After logging in, registered shareholders must follow the on-screen instructions to access the VOTACCESS site and request an admission card. For BEARER shareholders: if the financial intermediary is connected to the VOTACCESS site, shareholders may also request an admission card electronically by following this procedure: once they have logged in to the intermediary’s online portal with their usual access codes, they must click on the icon that appears on the line corresponding to their Elis shares, and follow the on-screen instructions to access the VOTACCESS site and request an admission card.

    If you opt to request your admission card online, you should not complete or return the paper voting form.

  • Vote by post

    Check the “Vote by post” box on the postal voting form sent along with the invitation to the general shareholders’ meeting and, if necessary, fill in the boxes for the resolutions you do not wish to approve.

  • Vote by proxy and grant powers

    Two options are available to shareholders:

    • Grant powers to the Chairman of the meeting: in this case, the Chairman of the meeting will issue, on behalf of the shareholder, one vote for the adoption of the draft resolutions presented or approved by the Management Board and one vote against the adoption of all other draft resolutions;
    • Grant powers to any other natural or legal person of your choosing: you give the first and last names and address of the person to whom you grant powers to attend the meeting and vote on your behalf


    How to arrange for representation

    Use the postal vote or proxy vote form sent to you along with the meeting invitation: check the box corresponding to your choice on the voting form and send it to BP2S


    BNP Paribas Securities Services

    Actionnariat Elis

    Corporate Trust Services

    Immeuble Europe

    9, rue du Débarcadère

    93761 Pantin Cedex – France

    + 33 (0)1 40 14 00 90

    For any requests for information or written requests, registered shareholders should use the Planetshares contact form available via the Planetshares website

    If you are a registered shareholder, or to your financial intermediary if you hold bearer shares. Grant powers via the VOTACCESS secure website: registered shareholders and shareholders whose authorised account management intermediary is connected to the VOTACCESS site may choose to appoint or dismiss an agent online prior to the general shareholders’ meeting via the VOTACCESS secure platform accessible from the Planetshares website: under the following conditions:

    • DIRECTLY REGISTERED shareholders must log in to the Planetshares website with their usual access codes;
    • ADMINISTERED REGISTERED shareholders must log in to the Planetshares website using their ID number, which is located in the top right-hand corner of their paper voting form. In the event that a shareholder no longer has their username and/or password, they may call the following number: +33 (0)1 40 14 00 90;
    • BEARER shareholders must log in to the web portal for their account-holding institution using their usual access codes. Next, they must click on the icon appearing on the line corresponding to their shares, and follow the on-screen instructions to access the VOTACCESS site and vote, or appoint or dismiss an agent.
  • Vote online

    Elis gives its shareholders the option to vote online prior to the general shareholders’ meeting via the VOTACCESS secure voting platform, which also provides access to the official documents of the general shareholders’ meeting:

    Online voting for REGISTERED shareholders

    DIRECTLY REGISTERED shareholders:

    must log on to the website that manages their Planetshares assets using the usual access codes shown on their statements.

    ADMINISTERED REGISTERED shareholders: must log on to the Planetshares website using their ID number which is located in the top right-hand corner of their paper voting form appended to the meeting invitation. If a shareholder no longer has their username and/or password, they may call +33 (0)1 40 14 00 90, or request it by clicking “Password forgotten or not received”. After logging in to the Planetshares platform, registered shareholders may access VOTACCESS by clicking “Participate in the general shareholders’ meeting”. They will then be redirected to VOTACCESS where they must follow the on-screen instructions in order to vote.

    Online voting for BEARER shareholders It is up to BEARER shareholders to find out whether or not their authorised bank or financial intermediary is connected to the VOTACCESS site and, if applicable, whether this access is subject to specific terms of use. If the shareholder’s authorised bank or financial intermediary is connected to the VOTACCESS site, BEARER shareholders must log in to the web portal of their account-holding institution using their usual access codes. Next, they must click on the icon appearing on the line corresponding to their Elis shares, and follow the on-screen instructions to access the VOTACCESS site.


Pour nous contacter, vous pouvez nous écrire à : 

Email :

Adresse postale :


5 Boulevard Louis Loucheur

92 210 Saint Cloud