
Elis Pest Control service includes:

  • fleche_turquoise
    Audit of your premises
  • fleche_turquoise
    Targeted on-site implementation
  • fleche_turquoise
    Advice and recommendations
  • fleche_turquoise
    Treatment report sent automatically

Maintenance of continuous mandatory ventilation (CMV)

  • vmc

Your CMV network provides fresh, healthy air to your staff and visitors When a building is efficiently insulated and waterproofed, the use of CMV is even more important.

There are major problems associated with poorly maintained CMV networks, including development of moulds, risks related to hygiene and health, fire risk and financial losses. This has resulted in the regulation by decree and ministerial order of the maintenance of CMV, gas CMV and natural ventilation systems. In order to prevent these risks, our hygiene specialists will assist you with the maintenance and disinfection of ventilation ducts, in compliance with legislation.

As an expert in the maintenance and disinfection of CMV ducts, Elis provides services for effective CMV to refresh air in buildings as well as to clean and replace the CMV or check the network.

  • > CMV cleaning: Elis cleans your CMV network and carries out one-off repairs or preventive maintenance. All CMV duct materials can be cleaned (PVC, stainless steel, galvanised sheet steel, concrete, fibreglass and flexible fibre) as well as the fan blades
  • box, horizontal and vertical ducts and vents are cleaned. Elis carries out a vacuum brushing and filtering process and then cleans the network and air handling units to eliminate dust (fire risk) and residual soot (corrosion risk).
  • Disinfection then prevents the development of bacteria or microorganisms in buildings.
  • > Replacement of the CMV: Elis can replace the ventilation system motor belt (average service life of 12 months). We can also set up access hatches in strategic locations to facilitate future maintenance of your CMV.
  • > Checking the CMV: Elis checks the electrical connections of the fan and alarms. We carry out the maintenance and standard exchange of inlets where necessary.

Un service soucieux de son impact environnemental test

L’impact environnemental est au cœur de nos préoccupations ; nous basons nos interventions sur la méthode de lutte intégrée est basée sur l'adoption de techniques et de solutions innovantes plus respectueuses de l’environnement. 

Cela implique un diagnostic systématique de votre établissement qui permet :

  • d’adapter nos prestations à votre secteur d’activité
  • d’opter pour des solutions non-toxiques en fonction du nuisible ciblé 

Ask for information, a quote or an intervention

Contact Pest Control

Nous nous engageons à vous rappeler de lundi au vendredi de 8h30 à 17h30.

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