tigre du platane

Elis Pest Control service includes:

  • fleche_turquoise
    Audit of your premises and summary of facilities
  • fleche_turquoise
    Targeted on-site implementation + HACCP file
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    Control and changing of consumables
  • fleche_turquoise
    Traceability of all our interventions
  • fleche_turquoise
    Advice and recommendations
  • fleche_turquoise
    Treatment report sent automatically
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    Curative intervention in case of infestation

Sycamore lace bug

  • tigre du platane

The sycamore lace bug is a destructive pest that can cause serious damage to trees (mainly pines and plane trees). They represent a hazard to people and animals. 

Our experts study the ground in order to determine the best insect control solution: chemical or non-chemical treatment, setting of traps or introduction of predators.

Treatment that offers peace of mind: the products used ensure maximum safety and comply with regulations.
Our service is available to households in the city of Lyon.

  • > Size: an adult measures approximately 3mm long; colour: off-white wings with black markings
  • > Contaminated areas: Mainly plane trees and pines
  • > Way of life: food: bite the underside of leaves that are changing colour and subsequently fall
  • > Problems: Death of the tree  Marked weakness of affected trees  Agent of spores and fungi
  • > Reproduction: up to four generations per year; female: 300 eggs per lay; egg incubation period: 18 to 20 days 5 larval stages before changing to adult form 

Un service soucieux de son impact environnemental test

L’impact environnemental est au cœur de nos préoccupations ; nous basons nos interventions sur la méthode de lutte intégrée est basée sur l'adoption de techniques et de solutions innovantes plus respectueuses de l’environnement. 

Cela implique un diagnostic systématique de votre établissement qui permet :

  • d’adapter nos prestations à votre secteur d’activité
  • d’opter pour des solutions non-toxiques en fonction du nuisible ciblé 

Ask for information, a quote or an intervention

Contact Pest Control

Nous nous engageons à vous rappeler de lundi au vendredi de 8h30 à 17h30.

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